Monday, April 8, 2013

Giraffe Facts

Interesting facts about giraffes:

  1. Giraffes only sleep for minutes at a time. In total, they usually only sleep for 30 minutes each day. 
  2. The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world. 
  3. Giraffes don't eat meat, but they can consume up to 77 pounds of acacia leaves a day! 
  4. The giraffe can drink 12 gallons of water at a time. 
  5. The giraffe is able to clean its ears with its own tongue. 
  6. A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel. Predators wait for giraffes by water sources knowing they will come eventually. To avoid their predators, they drink as little as possible. 
  7. Giraffes defend themselves with their hooves and necks. A giraffe's kick is able to sever a lion's head. 
  8. Giraffes can run at 35 MPH from their enemies. 
  9. A giraffe's tongue is blue/purple colored. 
  10. It's common for two male giraffes to fight over a female by "necking". Necking is when the two males stand side by side and swing their necks at each other. Sometimes this results in one male being hit to the ground. I've included a video of this above! 

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